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Approved Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Plan





A. Any existing and previously-approved Annual Professional Performance Review (“APPR”) procedures pursuant to Section 100.2(o) of the Rules and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education (“Commissioner’s Regulations”) remain in effect for  teachers and principals who are not subject to Section 3012-c of the New York State Education Law (the “Education Law”).

B.  Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, this APPR Plan (“Plan”) shall apply to all classroom teachers of common branch subjects or English Language Arts or mathematics in grades 4 to 8 and all building principals of schools in which such teachers are employed.

C. Nothing in this Plan shall be construed to affect the right of the Superintendent and the Board of Education to terminate a probationary teacher or principal or restrict the discretion of the Superintendent and/or the Board of Education to make a determination on the status of a probationary teacher or principal and/or to deny tenure. In addition to the achievement and performance assessed pursuant to this Plan, other criteria and factors will be used in making employment decisions.

D. Nothing in this Plan shall be construed to abrogate any conflicting provisions of any collective bargaining agreement in effect on July 1, 2010 during the term of such agreement and until entry into a successor collective bargaining agreement, provided that notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, upon expiration of such term and the entry into a successor collective bargaining agreement, all the provisions of Education Law §3012-c and the Commissioner’s Regulations shall apply.

E. This Plan shall be in effect for the 2011-12 school year. The Plan will be continually amended as additional information from the State of New York is forthcoming, and/or, as items are determined or negotiated pursuant to relevant New  York State Law and Regulations.


The District will file the APPR Plan in the District Office and make the APPR Plan publicly available on its website by September 10th of each year, or within 10 days of the APPR Plan’s adoption, whichever is later. Any required certifications shall be filed and maintained  with the Plan. Upon approval by the Board of Education, the Board clerk will file a hard copy f the approved Plan for public review and inspection in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, during normal and customary business hours.  In addition, upon approval by the Board of Education, the Board clerk will arrange to have the approved plan posted on the Districts website (


A. The duration and nature of the training the District will provide to evaluators:

Evaluators will be trained by the HFM BOCES Network Team.

At this point, the exact duration and nature of the training for evaluators is unknown. The District’s intent is to base all such training upon the recommendations of New York  State, as delivered by the HFMBOCES Network Team.

Note: At this time, district administrators have attended two days of initial training as of August 2011.

B. The duration and nature of the training the District will provide to lead evaluators

At this point, the exact duration and nature of the training for lead evaluators is unknown. The District’s intent is the base all such training upon the recommendations of New York State, as delivered by the BOCES Network Team.

Note: At this time, district administrators have attended two days of initial training as of August 2011.

C. The District’s process for certifying lead evaluators

Upon successful completion of appropriate training, as defined by the HFMBOCES Network Team, the District will consider the lead evaluators certified. Upon completion, the Superintendent of Schools, shall notify all certified evaluators of their status. A copy of such certification will be placed in each evaluator’s personnel file.

D. The District’s process for ensuring that lead evaluators maintain inter-rater reliability over time

[To be determined] Note: The Regulations provide the following examples for the process by which a district can ensure inter-rater reliability over time: (1) Data analysis to detect disparities on the part of one or more evaluators; (2) periodic comparisons of a  lead evaluator’s assessment with another evaluator’s assessment of the same classroom teacher or building principal; or (3) annual calibration sessions across evaluator

E. The District’s process for periodically recertifying all lead evaluators

Lead evaluators will be re-certified by the HFMBOCES Network Team. The process and timeline for re-certification is yet to be determined.


(All Teachers subject to this Plan shall be evaluated annually)

The District’s method of measuring a teacher’s composite effectiveness score shall be determined in accordance with Commissioner’s Regulations (Subpart 30-2). Generally speaking, the total effectiveness score is determined out of 100 points, which is the sum of the three subcomponent scores, (1) student growth on State assessments or other comparable measures; (2) locally selected measures of student achievement; and (3) other measures of teacher effectiveness.

A. The District’s method of measuring student growth on state assessments

The District shall use the following scoring methodology for the assignment of points to the student growth subcomponent, which shall comprise 20% of the teacher’s composite effectiveness score in accordance with Commissioner’s Regulations (Subpart 30-2):

Score on Student Growth Subcomponent Rating
18-20 Highly Effective
12-17 Effective
3-11 Developing
0-2 Ineffective

B. The District’s method of measuring student achievement

The District shall use the following scoring methodology for the assignment of points to the student growth subcomponent, which shall comprise 20% of the teacher’s composite effectiveness score in accordance with Commissioner’s Regulations (Subpart 30-2):

Score on Student Achievement Subcomponent Rating
18-20 Highly Effective
12-17 Effective
3-11 Developing
0-2 Ineffective

C. The District’s method of measuring teacher effectiveness

Sixty points of a teacher’s composite effectiveness score are based upon multiple measures of teacher effectiveness, with at least 40 of the 60 points based on multiple (at least two) classroom observations. A teacher’s performance on this subcomponent must be assessed based upon a teacher practice rubric approved by SED.

1. The name of the approved teacher practices rubric that the District uses to  measure teacher effectiveness based upon multiple classroom observations.

To be determined

2. The District’s method of measuring teacher effectiveness based on other criteria.

To be determined
3 The District shall use the following scoring methodology for the assignment of points to the teacher effectiveness subcomponent, which shall comprise 60% of the teacher’s composite effectiveness score in accordance with Commissioner’s Regulations (Subpart 30-2):

Score on Teacher Effectiveness Subcomponent Rating
If the teacher’s overall performance and results exceed the New York State teaching standards Highly Effective
If the teacher’s overall performance and results meet the New York State teaching standards Effective
If the teacher’s overall performance and results need improvement to New York State teaching standards Developing
If the teacher’s overall performance and results do not meet the New York State teaching standards Ineffective


D. The District’s method for reporting the individual subcomponent scores and total composite effectiveness score for each classroom teacher to the State Education Department

Data will be exported to the State’s data warehouse in a form and by a process prescribed by the Commissioner of Education, in accordance with State Department of Education protocols and timelines and/or those of the Northeastern Regional Information Center. Additional training and direction will be forthcoming once all specifics are known.


A. The process by which the District will ensure that teachers receive   timely and constructive feedback as part of the evaluation process

B.  The process by which the District will address the performance of teachers or whose performance is evaluated as needing an improvement plan

C. The process by which the District will handle appeals of a teacher’s annual professional performance review


A. The process by which the District will ensure that the State Education Department receives timely and accurate teacher, course and student “linkage” data. SED has issued detailed guidance on the collection and reporting of teacher and course data in the Student Information Repository System (“SIRS”). New data will have to be collected from school districts to ensure that raw student data will be attributed to that student’s “teacher of record” and that student’s “building principal” for the purposes of the APPR.

B. The process for teachers to verify the courses and/or student rosters assigned to them.

C. The assessment development, security and scoring processes utilized by the District to ensure that assessments are not disseminated to students before administration and that teachers do not have a vested interest in the outcome of the assessment they score


Date of Adoption: September 6, 2011

Date of Amendment: