Technology Use Policy
Student Learning
Goal #1: Access to Technology – All students will have equitable access to modern, age-level appropriate technology that supports reading, writing, and curriculum content within the realm of the New York State learning standards.
Goal #2: Skills Proficiency – Utilizing technology, students will gain age-appropriate proficiency in the use of software applications, programming languages, and the Internet.
Professional Development
Goal #1: Teacher Proficiency – All professional staff members will become proficient in the use of technology.
Goal #2: Implementing Technology through Professional Development – The district will support and encourage professional development options that integrate technology into the classroom.
Goal #1: Parental Involvement – To improve the quality of school-home communications, the district will support technology that effectively engages parents and/or guardians in the educational process.
Goal #2: Community Education – To build our relationship with the local community, the district will support access to technology and training for community members interested in lifelong learning.
Technology and Network Infrastructure
Goal #1: Technology Availability – The district will support equitable access to modern technological tools enhancing student learning and best teaching practices.
Goal #2: Administrative and Office Technology – The district will support the necessary technologies for administrators, counselors, office, and support staff to effectively do their jobs.
Goal #3: Network Infrastructure – The district will maintain a high-speed network that supports both our local area network (LAN) and the Internet.
Support and Management
Goal #1: Technical Support – The district will provide technical support to maintain the school-wide LAN and its supporting technologies.
Goal #2: Management – The district will implement a standard operating procedure regarding the safe and proper protocols for the use of technology.
Goal #3: Funding – The district will pursue avenues to fund an ongoing technology plan.
Ongoing Evaluation and Assessment
Goal #1: Implementation – The district will maintain an ongoing evaluation and assessment of each area’s progress towards its goals.
Internet Safety Policy
Although the Fort Plain Central School District recognizes the value of the Internet as an educational tool, it also understands that information with no redeeming social value is accessible through the Internet. Therefore certain rules and regulations governing the use of the Internet are hereby imposed on all students and employees of the Fort Plain Central School District.
1. The Fort Plain Central School District has developed and will enforce this Internet Safety Policy in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act (NCIPA).
2. In addition, the Fort Plain Central School District maintains its “Acceptable Use Policy” (AUP) which governs the acceptable use of the Internet by students and employees.
3. Fort Plain Central School District personnel located at other component schools will abide by the local district Internet safety policy implemented at that school. If the district does not have an Internet safety policy in place, Fort Plain Central School District personnel will follow the Internet Safety policy as specified in this document.
4. All Fort Plain Central School District personnel and students located at any location other than a local school district building will follow the Internet Safety policy as specified in this document.
Access to the Internet using the Fort Plain Central School district computer equipment is subject to the following:
Internet Filtering
Filtering software will be used to block minors’ access to:
1. Visual depictions that are (a) obscene, (b) child pornography, or (c) harmful to minors; and
2. Internet sites which, in the Board’s determination, contain material which is “inappropriate for minors.” (See item B. below.)
1 The terms “obscene”, “child pornography”, “harmful to minors,” and “matter inappropriate for minors,” used throughout the policy, are defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act and the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act (Public Law 106-554). See Appendix A.
Internet Filter Override
Filtering will be in place on all Fort Plain Central School District owned computers by July 1, 2002. Adult access to visual depictions that are obscene and/or child pornography will also be blocked. However, the Superintendent or his/her designee may disable the software to enable access to blocked sites for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
Definition of “inappropriate for minors”
The Board will (from time to time) determine by resolution what Internet material is “inappropriate for minors” in the Fort Plain Central School District. This determination will be based on community standards.
Other Safety Measures
1. In using the computer network and Internet, minors are not permitted to reveal personal information such as home addresses, telephone numbers, their real last names or any other information which might allow someone they are communicating with online to locate them. No minor may arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone he/she “meets” on the computer network or Internet without his/her parent’s permission.
2. Before utilizing any electronic communications (including but not limited to electronic mail and “chat rooms”) in any instructional setting, students will be taught that they must disclose to their teacher any message they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable. They must also be taught that they must never agree to meet with someone they have met online without their parents’ approval.
Unauthorized Access and Other Unlawful Activities
It is a violation of this Policy for students to:
1. Use the Fort Plain Central School District computer network or the Internet to gain unauthorized access to her computers or computer systems, or to attempt to gain such unauthorized access.
2. Damage, disable or otherwise interfere with the operation of computers, computer systems, software or related equipment through physical action or by electronic means; and/or violate, state or federal law relating to copyright, trade secrets, the distribution of obscene or pornographic
3. Use unfiltered access to Internet World Wide Web information resources.
4. Use Email. Elementary students may have e-mail access only under their teacher’s direct supervision using a classroom or library account. Elementary students may be provided with individual e-mail accounts under special circumstances, at the request of their teacher and with the approval of their parents. Secondary students may be provided with individual e-mail accounts under special circumstances, at the request of their teacher and with the approval of their parents.
5. Use personal email located on another email server (i.e. Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc.) while in school. Students may access personal email located on another server under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
6. Create a web page. As a classroom related project, you may create a personal Web page. All material placed on your Web page must be pre-approved in a manner specified by the school. Material placed on your Web page must relate to your school and career preparation activities or be part of a classroom project assigned by a teacher.
7. Access Internet newsgroups while in school. Students may access Internet newsgroups under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
8. Access Internet Instant Message while in school. Students may access Internet Instant Message under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
9. Access Internet chat rooms while in school. Students may access Internet chat under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
10. Play online games while in school. Educational online games may be played with the approval of the teacher
Unauthorized Disclosure and Dissemination of Personal Identification Information Regarding Minors
Personally identifiable information concerning minors may not be disclosed or used in any way on the Internet (e.g., on the Fort Plain Central School District web page or otherwise) without the permission of a parent or guardian. If a student is 18 or over, the permission may also come from the student himself / herself
Staff Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Fort Plain Central School District’s staff to supervise and monitor usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy and the Children’s Internet protection Act.
Regulations and Dissemination
The Superintendent is authorized to develop and implement regulations consistent with this policy. The Superintendent will also be responsible for disseminating the policy and associated regulations to school personnel and students.
Student Acceptable Use Policy for Technology Fort Plain Central School
The purpose of education is to prepare you for success in life and work in the 21st Century. When you enter the work force, you will likely be using your employer’s electronic network, which will also be a limited purpose network. As students, you must learn what actions are appropriate on a limited purpose network as compared to what actions might be appropriate through a general personal account. District users have an obligation to use the district computer system in a manner specified by the school district. Further, notwithstanding the use of disclaimers, how the computer network is used will reflect on the district. Therefore, it is highly appropriate for districts to exert control over the use of the district computer system.
The Fort Plain Central School’s computer network, including Internet access, does not merely provide students and employees with general access to the Internet. The district system has a very specific, limited purpose: to enhance the delivery of education.
If district users want greater freedom, they can obtain such freedom by acquiring their own personal account through a private provider.
Educational Purpose
1. The Fort Plain Central School computer network has been established for a limited educational purpose. The term “educational purpose” includes classroom activities, career development, and limited high-quality self-discovery activities.
2. The Fort Plain Central School computer network has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The Fort Plain Central School District has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material you access or post through the system. Therefore you are expected to follow the rules set forth in this acceptable use policy and the law in your use of the Fort Plain Central School computer network.
3. You may not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network for commercial purposes. This means you may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through The Fort Plain Central School computer network.
4. You may not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network for political lobbying. But you may use the system to communicate with elected representatives and to express your opinion on political issues.
Student Internet Access
1. All students will have FILTERED access to Internet World Wide Web information resources through their classroom, library, or school computer lab.
2. Elementary students may have e-mail access only under their teacher’s direct supervision using a classroom or library account. Elementary students may be provided with individual e-mail accounts under special circumstances, at the request of their teacher and with the approval of their parents.
3. Secondary students may be provided with individual e-mail accounts under special circumstances, at the request of their teacher and with the approval of their parents.
4. Students may not access personal email located on another email server (i.e. Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc.) while in school. Students may access personal email located on another server under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
5. As part of a class or class related project, you may create a personal Web page. All material placed on your Web page must be pre-approved in a manner specified by the school. Material placed on your Web page must relate to your school and career preparation activities or be part of a classroom project assigned by a teacher.
6. Students may not access Internet newsgroups while in school. Students may access Internet newsgroups under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
7. Students may not access Internet Instant Message while in school. Students may access Internet Instant Message under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
8. Students may not access Internet chat rooms while in school. Students may access Internet chat under special circumstances, at the request of a teacher and with the approval of their parents.
9. Students may not play online games while in school.
10. You and your parent(s) must agree to and sign this Acceptable Use Policy contract to use the Fort Plain Central School computer network. This Agreement must be renewed on an annual basis. Your parents can withdraw their approval at any time.
Unacceptable Uses
Personal Safety
a. You will not post personal contact information about yourself or other people. Personal contact information includes full name, address, telephone number, school address, work address, etc.
b. You will not agree to meet with someone you have met online without your parent’s approval. Your parent should accompany you to this meeting.
c. You will promptly disclose to your teacher or other school employee any message you receive that is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable.
Illegal Activities
a. You will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Fort Plain Central School computer network or to any other computer system through the Fort Plain Central School computer network or go beyond your authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or access another person’s files. These actions are illegal, even if only for the purposes of “browsing”.
b. You will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. These actions are illegal.
c. You will not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network to engage in any illegal act, such as the sale or purchase of illegal goods or for the planning of any illegal activity.
System Security
a. You are responsible for your individual account and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use your account.
b. You will immediately notify a teacher or the system administrator if you have identified a possible security problem.
Do not go looking for security problems, because this may be construed as an illegal attempt to gain access.
c. You will avoid the inadvertent spread of computer viruses by following the District virus protection procedures.
d. You will not add, remove or modify and computer hardware or software on any school computer
e. You will not intentionally damage or destroy any other user’s data, software or hardware.
Inappropriate Language
a. Restrictions against Inappropriate Language apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on Web pages.
b. You will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language.
c. You will not post information that could cause damage or a danger of disruption.
d. You will not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks, use slanderous, abusive, intimidating or otherwise offensive comments in any digital form.
e. You will not harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. If you are told by a person to stop sending them messages, you must stop.
f. You will not knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization.
Respect for Privacy
a. You will not forward or make public any message that was sent to you privately without permission of the person who sent you the message.
b. You will not forward or make public any private information about another person.
Respecting Resource Limits
a. You will use the system only for educational and career development activities and limited, high-quality, self-discovery activities. There is no limit on use for education and career development activities.
b. You will not download large files unless absolutely necessary. If necessary, and with your teachers permission, you will download the file at a time when the system is not being heavily used and remove the file from the system when you are done with it.
c. You will not post chain letters or engage in “spamming”. Spamming is sending an annoying or unnecessary message to a large number of people.
d. Secondary students that have been allowed to use email must manage their mail on a regular basis and subscribe only to high quality discussion group mail lists that are relevant to their education or career development.
Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
a. You will not plagiarize works that you find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were yours.
b. You will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when you inappropriately reproduce a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies appropriate use of that work, you should follow the expressed requirements. If you are unsure whether or not you can use a work, you should request permission from the copyright owner. Copyright law can be very confusing. If you have questions ask a teacher.
Inappropriate Access to Material
a. You will not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network to access material that is profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature).
b. If you mistakenly access inappropriate information, you should immediately tell your teacher. This will protect you against a claim that you have intentionally violated this Policy.
c. Your parents should instruct you if there is additional material that they think it would be inappropriate for you to access. The district fully expects that you will follow your parent’s instructions in this matter.
Your Rights
Free Speech
Your right to free speech, as set forth in the Student Handbook, applies also to your communication on the Internet. The Fort Plain Central School computer network is considered a limited forum, similar to the school newspaper, and therefore the District may restrict your speech for valid educational reasons. The District will not restrict your speech on the basis of a disagreement with the opinions you are expressing.
Search and Seizure
a. You should expect only limited privacy in the contents of your personal files on the District system. The situation is similar to the rights you have in the privacy of your locker.
b. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the Fort Plain Central School computer network may lead to discovery that the you have violated this Policy, the rules set forth in the FPCS Student Handbook or the law.
c. An individual search will be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that you have violated this Policy, student rules set forth in the FPCS Student Handbook or the law. The investigation will be reasonable and related to the suspected violation.
d. Your parents have the right at any time to request to see the contents of your e-mail files.
Due Process
a. The supervising teacher has the first level of responsibility to review the infraction, and if deemed necessary, to report it to the involved student’s principal.
b. In the event there is a claim that you have violated this Acceptable Use Policy in your use of the Fort Plain Central School computer network, you will be provided with a written notice of the suspected violation and an opportunity to present an explanation before a neutral administrator.
c. The District will conduct an investigation and will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials if required in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through The Fort Plain Central School computer network.
School Penalties for any infraction of the Acceptable Use Policy
1. First Offense – one-week revocation of all student’s access to computers in school.
2. Second Offense – one-month revocation of all computer use in school.
3. Third Offense – revocation of all computer use in school for the remainder of the current school year.
Limitation of Liability
The District makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the District system will be error-free or without defect. The District will not be responsible for any damage you may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. The District is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system. The District will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the system.
Personal Responsibility
When you are using the Fort Plain Central School computer network, it may feel like you can more easily break a rule and not get caught. This is not really true because whenever you do something on a network you leave little “electronic footprints,” so the odds of getting caught are really about same as they are in the real world.
But the fact that you can do something or think you can do something without being caught does not make it right to do so. Even if you don’t get caught, there is always one person who will know whether you have done wrong — and that person is you. Your use of the Internet can be a mirror that will show you what kind of a person you are.
Staff Acceptable Use Policy for Technology Fort Plain Central School
The purpose of education is to prepare students for success in life and work in the 21st Century. When you are at school, you will be using our limited purpose network. As employees, you need to realize that certain actions are inappropriate on a limited purpose network as compared to what actions might be appropriate through a general personal account. District users have an obligation to use the district computer system in a manner specified by the school district. Further, notwithstanding the use of disclaimers, how the computer network is used will reflect on the district. Therefore, it is highly appropriate for districts to exert control over the use of the district computer system.
The Fort Plain Central School’s computer network, including Internet access, does not merely provide students and employees with general access to the Internet. The district system has a very specific, limited purpose: to enhance the delivery of education.
If district users want greater freedom, they can obtain such freedom by acquiring their own personal account through a private provider.
Educational Purpose
1. The Fort Plain Central School computer network has been established for a limited educational purpose. The term “educational purpose” includes classroom activities, career development, and limited high- quality self-discovery activities.
2. The Fort Plain Central School computer network has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The Fort Plain Central School District has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material you access or post through the system. Therefore you are expected to follow the rules set forth in this acceptable use policy and the law in your use of the Fort Plain Central School computer network.
3. You may not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network for commercial purposes. This means you may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through The Fort Plain Central School computer network.
4. You may not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network for political lobbying. But you may use the system to communicate with elected representatives and to express your opinion on political issues.
Staff Internet Access
1. All staff will have filtered access to Internet World Wide Web information resources through their classroom, library, or school computer lab.
2. Staff may have a school email account that is to be used for work related correspondence. Access to an email account will be provided by the school district.
3. As part of your class or class related project, you may create a professional Web page. All material placed on your Web page must be pre-approved in a manner specified by the school in accordance with our Internet Safety Policy. Material placed on your Professional Web page must relate to school and career preparation activities or be part of a classroom project that you are responsible for.
Unacceptable Uses
Personal Safety
a. You will not post personal contact information about yourself or other people including students. Personal contact information includes full name, address, telephone number, school address, work address, etc.
b. You must promptly disclose to your supervisor any message you receive that is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable.
Illegal Activities
a. You will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Fort Plain Central School computer network or to any other computer system through the Fort Plain Central School computer network or go beyond your authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or access another staff member’s files. These actions are illegal, even if only for the purposes of “browsing”. Teachers do however have access to student files.
b. You will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. These actions are illegal.
c. You will not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network to engage in any illegal act, such as the sale or purchase of illegal goods or for the planning of any illegal activity.
System Security
a. You are responsible for your individual account and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use your account. Do not share your password.
b. You will immediately notify the system administrator if you have identified a possible security problem. Do not go looking for security problems, because this may be construed as an illegal attempt to gain access.
c. You will avoid the inadvertent spread of computer viruses by following the District virus protection procedures.
d. You will not add, remove or modify and computer hardware or software on any school computer.
e. You will not intentionally damage or destroy any other user’s data, software or hardware.
Inappropriate Language
a. Restrictions against Inappropriate Language apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on Web pages.
b. You will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language.
c. You will not post information that could cause damage or a danger of disruption.
d. You will not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks, use slanderous, abusive, intimidating or otherwise offensive comments in any digital form.
e. You will not harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. If you are told by a person to stop sending them messages, you must stop.
f. You will not knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization.
Respect for Privacy
a. You will not forward or make public any message that was sent to you privately without permission of the person who sent you the message.
b. You will not forward or make public any private information about another person.
Respecting Resource Limits
a. You will use the system only for educational and career development activities and limited, high-quality, self-discovery activities. There is no limit on use for education and career development activities.
b. You will not download large files.
c. You will not post chain letters or engage in “spamming”. Spamming is sending an annoying or unnecessary message to a large number of people.
d. You should manage your mail on a regular basis and subscribe only to high quality discussion group mail lists that are relevant to their education or career development.
Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
a. You will not plagiarize works that you find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were yours.
b. You will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when you inappropriately reproduce a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies appropriate use of that work, you should follow the expressed requirements. If you are unsure whether or not you can use a work, you should request permission from the copyright owner. Copyright law can be very confusing. If you have questions ask a teacher.
Inappropriate Access to Material
a. You will not use the Fort Plain Central School computer network to access material that is profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature).
b. If you mistakenly access inappropriate information, you should immediately tell your supervisor. This will protect you against a claim that you have intentionally violated this Policy.
Your Rights
Free Speech
Your right to free speech applies also to your communication on the Internet. The Fort Plain Central School computer network is considered a limited forum, similar to the school newspaper, and therefore the District may restrict your speech for valid educational reasons. The District will not restrict your speech on the basis of a disagreement with the opinions you are expressing.
Search and Seizure
a. You should expect only limited privacy in the contents of your personal files on the District system
b. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the Fort Plain Central School computer network may lead to discovery that the you have violated this Policy, the rules set forth in the FPCS Faculty Handbook or the law.
c. An individual search will be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that you have violated this Policy, staff rules set forth in the FPCS Staff Handbook or the law. The investigation will be reasonable and related to the suspected violation.
Due Process
a. The principal has the first level of responsibility to review the infraction, and if deemed necessary, to report it to the superintendent.
b. In the event there is a claim that you have violated this Acceptable Use Policy in your use of the Fort Plain Central School computer network, you will be provided with a written notice of the suspected violation and an opportunity to present an explanation before a neutral administrator.
c. The District will conduct an investigation and will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials if required in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the Fort Plain Central School computer network.
Limitation of Liability
The District makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the District system will be error-free or without defect. The District will not be responsible for any damage you may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. The District is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system. The District will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the system.
Our ultimate goal is to have a technology-rich learning environment consisting of fully networked library media centers and classrooms with access to cable television, interactive video, Internet and computer-based learning systems that are shared with several learning labs.
Information on demand will be available to all students throughout the school. As the technology evolves, our goal is to provide instruction on demand to all students as well.