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Due to inclement weather conditions, all after school activities are canceled today, Thursday, Jan. 2.

Criteria to Determine Academic Intervention Services

At the start of the school year, students in Grades 4-6 will initially be considered for Academic Intervention Services (AIS) using the following criteria:

  • Score of Level 1 on NYS Assessment AND
  • Score below the average range (less than the 25th percentile, in the Intervention or Urgent Intervention range) on the spring STAR screening 

Following the completion of fall benchmarking, the release of NYS test cut scores, and the first five weeks of classroom data collection (e.g., classroom grades, teacher observations of student performance), students will be considered for AIS services to begin during the second five weeks of the school year using the following criteria:

  • Score below the NYS Assessment cut score
  • Score below the average range (less than 25th percentile, in the Intervention or Urgent Intervention range) on the fall STAR screening
  • Classroom 5-week average less than 65
  • Other locally-developed benchmarks
  • Teacher recommendation based on observation of student performance

Services may include additional direct instruction and/or more frequent progress monitoring using a standardized measure of progress.

Parents will be notified of any AIS services via a letter home.