Athletic Policy and Procedures
The Fort Plain Central School District’s associated policies for the Athletics Program include:
- Policy 7410 | Extracurricular Activities
- Policy 7420 | Sports and the Athletics Program
- Policy 7421 | Academic Eligibility
- Policy 7422| Athletics Department Policy on School Attendance
- Policy 7517 | Concussion Management
- Policy 7520 | Accidents and Medical Emergencies
To view these policies on Board Docs, go to
Academic Eligibility
Philosophic Background
The Board of Education, administration and faculty of the Fort Plain Central School are committed to academic excellence. Therefore; we seek to make academic achievement of students our primary concern. Although extracurricular* activities are part of the education of the total person, student participation cannot be justified at the expense of academic achievement.
*Definition of extracurricular activity – Activities which are not required of the student, are non-credit bearing and non-graded.
All athletic team members are expected to achieve acceptable academic progress. The following policy will govern academic eligibility for athletics:
- All coaches will submit a list of participating students to the principal and nurse once students are chosen to participate in a sport.
- To be eligible, a student must not have failing or incomplete grades in one or more subjects.
- Eligibility will be checked at five-week intervals. Teachers, coaches or parents may request that a student be placed on academic eligibility at any time to improve classroom performance.
- If a student is placed in the eligibility system, he/she must follow the procedure outlined below to remain eligible for participation:
- The student will have seven calendar days from the date the ineligibility list is published to improve deficient grades to passing for that week’s work. During this seven-day period, the stu-
dent will remain eligible. - At the end of the seven-day period, a check of weekly progress will begin. The student must have a “pass/fail” slip reflecting work for that week signed by all of their teachers and approved by the athletic coordinator, or in their absence, the high school principal, or the superintendent of schools. If the slip reflects more than one failing or incomplete grade for that week, the student will not be eligible for one week until the next weekly check.
- The “pass/fail” slip will be picked up in the guidance office prior to school for the student’s weekly progress check. The “pass/fail” slip must be signed by all of the student’s teachers and approved by the athletic coordinator no later than 3 p.m. each Monday (unless there is a holiday or no school on that Monday) until the next five-week eligibility check (even if the weekly check reflects that all subjects are being passed for the week). This procedure will be followed for the remainder of the sports season or longer, at the athletic coordinator’s discretion. If a student is ineligible for an athletic squad, he/she will participate in the practice sessions but not in the contests while ineligible.
- The student will have seven calendar days from the date the ineligibility list is published to improve deficient grades to passing for that week’s work. During this seven-day period, the stu-
Coaches are encouraged to check on the eligibility of their athletes throughout the school year. “Pass/Fail” slips are available in the guidance office for this purpose.
All students participating in interscholastic athletics must receive a sports physical given by the school nurse.
Contact the Jr./Sr. High School: (518) 993-4000, ext. 3404.
Transfer Students
New York State Public High School Athletic Association rules and regulations will be followed as they pertain to each transfer student wishing to compete in our athletic program. These rules and regulations are continually reviewed and revised by the State Association and Section Two.
*The building principal and athletic coordinator will apply the eligibility criteria to incoming transfer students.
Merged Athletic Programs
In cases of merged programs hosted by other schools, Fort Plain students will follow the Fort Plain standards for academic eligibility and conduct. The students are also expected to follow the rules established by the host coach and host school.
Training Rules and Procedures
Minimum Training Rules
The minimum training rules for all interscholastic sports teams are total abstention from the purchase, use, and possession of:
- Tobacco in any form
- Alcohol beverages
- Controlled substances (except under the case of a physician)
* Fort Plain Central School does not support or approve of the use of supplements (i.e.- creatine; etc.) for any performance-enhancing purpose. It should be also be noted that the use of “energy drinks” is not supported by the school.
Reporting of Violations
Violations of training rules will be processed when reported by one of the following who has either witnessed the actual violation, behavior or physical effects resulting from said violation.
- A member of the instructional or school-related personnel or coaching staff of Fort Plain Central School
- A member of the Fort Plain Central School Board of Education
- A law enforcement officer
Violations should be reported directly to the building principal who will keep a cumulative record of all such violations.
Penalties for Violation of Minimum Training Rules
Penalty for Junior High School and High School
1st Offense – Suspension for the remainder of the season plus a carry-over to include the first 25% of the scheduled contests of the next season or participation. (Can practice – no scrimmages. The penalty includes 25% of the regularly scheduled league and non-league contests).
- First time violators of training rules shall be eligible for a one-time reduction of their suspension two 20% of the remaining season (suspension carries over into the next season if less than 20% of season remains) if they meet the following conditions.
- Student and parent agree the student will participate in a substance abuse risk evaluation with a certified substance abuse counselor.
- The student and parent also agree that the student will complete any course of treatment recommended by the counselor.
2nd Offense – Suspension for 365 days from all participation.
3rd Offense – Permanent suspension from all participation.
Note: Violations of minimum training rules will follow students from the junior high to the high school athletic program. In light of the possibility for unwise, immature decisions made by junior high students, the following standard will apply:
If a student commits one violation during the junior high school years, a first offense in the high school will be considered a second offense and will result in a suspension for 365 days. A subsequent offense would result in permanent suspension from the athletic program.
If a student commits two violations during junior high school, the second offense will result in a suspension of 365 days. A subsequent offense in the high school will result in another suspension of 365 days. Further offenses in high school will result in permanent suspension from the athletic program.
“Social Host Law”- Parental/Guardian Information
- THE LIMIT OF NYS LAW; Plain and simple – you may by law give your own child alcohol in your own home or on your own property but this legal parental privilege is non transferable to any other child or to the supervision of any other adult. This means you cannot give permission to any other adult to supervise your son or daughter while they illegally consume alcohol. You will be arrested and may face civil and criminal penalties.
Contract – Time Frame
- Contracts are signed before the first practice of the first season of participation within the school year. Contracts must be signed before a student may practice.
- Contracts are in effect until the last day of school in which report cards are distributed or mailed.
- Any athlete signed on to the contract who is caught with a training rule violation while not participating in a sport will be subject to the carry-over clause for the next season of participation.
Any students behaving in a manner that is deemed to degrade the team, the school or the community, will be suspended from the squad temporarily by the coach. This behavior may include, but is not limited to the following: harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, sexting, plagiarism, cheating on schoolwork, forgery, insubordination, or any other act or type of behavior that maybe considered detrimental to the team, school, or community. Immediately following this suspension, the coach, athletic coordinator and principal will meet with the student and/or his/her parents/guardians to discuss the behavior, which caused the suspension by the coach. As a result of this meeting, the coach, principal and athletic coordinator will make a final disposition on the matter.
The final disposition may include but is not limited to:
- Extension of the coach’s suspension
- Permanent suspension from the team
- Permanent suspension from the athletic program
If a coach has cause to suspend a player, he/she will notify the athletic coordinator and principal of the suspension. The principal will convene the meeting to discuss the suspension in the timeliest manner possible. The principal will notify the parents of the suspended athlete of any and all disciplinary action including the original suspension to be taken against the athlete.
Athletic Review
All suspensions are subject to review by the superintendent of schools, board of education and Commissioner of Education upon the request of the student’s parents or his coach.
The Athletic Council
The Committee on Interscholastic Athletics, known as the Athletic Council is composed of the Athletic Committee of the Board of Education, the superintendent of schools, the junior-senior high school principal, and two members of the district coaching staff designated by the superintendent.
The responsibilities of the Athletic Council are:
- To recommend procedure regarding the participation of students in athletic activities
- To provide a forum for discussion of issues related to improving the athletic program and experience in the FPCSD.
- Submit reports to the board of education at the end of each sports season.
- To perform certain executive functions including the approval of recommendations for awards in accord with established regulations.
Transportation Procedure
- Athletes can ride home from a game with their parents as long as the parents themselves make the request in writing- (sign out sheet) to the coach and sign the student out.
- Other rides…only with a note from the parent signed by the superintendent or building principal. We will not allow students to ride with non-adults. Please tell your students not to ask.
- All athletes will be dropped off at the school unless the coach is given a note signed by the parent and superintendent or building principal (i.e., Nelliston, Haslett Park).
- Coaches will keep all permission slips on file so one note would be good for the entire season if the note states that it is for the entire season.
Practice/Contests on Snow Days
No practice/contest shall be conducted on weather emergency days without the express permission of the Athletic Coordinator. The Athletic Coordinator is not authorized to allow such practice without the approval of the superintendent of schools, or in his/her absence, the building principal.
Athletic Department Policy on School Attendance
Since a positive attendance record is directly linked to success in academic studies, it is the position of the Fort Plain Central School Athletic Department that school attendance among athletes is of primary concern.
As per this basic philosophy, the following attendance policy has been developed for the Athletic Department. All athletes are expected to be in school each day unless excused for an acceptable reason.
Daily Attendance
Athletes who are absent or tardy to school will not be allowed to participate in games or practice sessions on that day.
If a student athlete is absent or tardy for an acceptable reason, the athlete will be able to participate in practice or contests on the day in question if he/she gains approval from the building principal or nurse involved. It is the athlete’s responsibility to obtain permission to practice or play on these days.
Acceptable reasons include doctor’s appointment, dentist appointments, court appearances, legal appointments, funerals and unforeseen emergencies (principal’s approval required).
A student athlete who is absent from school or tardy due to personal illness or injury will not be allowed to participate in practice or contests on the day in question unless a note from a physician is presented to the school principal or nurse clearing the athlete to participate that day. The reason for this action is not punitive. The concern of members of the Athletic Department is that students who are ill should not participate in athletic activities due to a risk to their health.
Adopted 12/16/92 and Effective 1/4/93
Athletic Responsibility
When as a student athlete you make a team, you have committed yourself to an obligation for the full season.
If an athlete decides to leave a team before the season concludes that athlete shall be ineligible for competition in the next sports season. An athlete who leaves a team may make an appeal to the Athletic Coordinator and the Junior-Senior High School Principal to restore eligibility for the next sports season. The appeal should include the reasons why the student-athlete felt he or she felt justified in leaving the team prior to the conclusion of the season.
All suspensions of eligibility are subject to review by the superintendent of schools, board of education and Commissioner of Education upon the request of the student’s parents.
Discipline Information
- In School Suspension (ISS) – The student may practice, but may not play in a scrimmage or game on the day she/he is serves ISS
- Out of School Suspension (OSS) – The student may not attend practices, scrimmages, games or be on school grounds for the duration of their suspension from school.
The above mentioned athletic code punishments carry over from Friday to the next Monday. In other words, if the school discipline/ punishment includes Friday and the following Monday, then the student would not be able to compete in a scrimmage or a game. She /he could practice if they were assigned ISS during this time frame. If they were assigned OSS, then the student would not be able to be on school grounds as previously stated. In the case of a vacation or recess, the student would sit out contests held during the weekend (Friday to Sunday) and be able to play on Monday.
Most team uniforms are school issued, that is to say provided by the school district. Some teams have purchased their own uniforms through fund-raising activities or have had funds donated for that particular team. It is the responsibility of the student to return his/her uniform immediately at the completion of his/her season. The cost of replacement for that uniform or part of the uniform, i.e. short /jersey will be the responsibility of the student-athlete.
Code of Ethics
It is the duty of all concerned with high school athletics:
- To emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play.
- To eliminate all possibilities which tend to destroy the best values of the game.
- To stress the values derived from playing the game fairly.
- To show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and officials.
- To establish a happy relationship between visitors and hosts.
- To respect the integrity and judgment of the sports’ officials.
- To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and the standards of eligibility.
- To encourage leadership, use of initiative and good judgment by the players on the team.
- To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social and emotional well being of the individual players.
- To remember that an athletic contest is only a game – not a matter of life or death for player, coach, school, official, fan, community, state or nation.