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2024 – 25 Harry Hoag Elementary School welcome letter

A welcome-back message for Harry Hoag Elementary School families from Acting Principal Amy Bartholomew:

Dear Hilltopper Families,

It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you back to the 2024 – 25 school year here at Harry Hoag Elementary! I hope you have had a fun and relaxing summer and are looking forward to coming back to school.

I would like to take this time to introduce myself as Harry Hoag’s new Acting Principal for this coming school year. Many of you already know me, as I have been a teacher in our district for 18 years, as well as being born and raised in Fort Plain as a Hilltopper myself! This is my 23rd year in education and I am unbelievably excited to step into this new role and get to know all of our new and returning students. Fort Plain is a community unlike any other, filled with caring families and an exceptionally talented faculty and staff that provide incredible experiences for students each day.

Below you will find a summary of information that will be helpful when planning ahead for the coming school year. Please note: the first day of school for students will be Wednesday, September 4th.

School schedule


7:30 a.m. – Bus drop-off

7:30 – 7:50 a.m. – Parent drop-off and walkers

Instructional day for students:

7:50 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. – students are marked tardy after 8:05 a.m.


2:30 p.m. – Bus dismissal
2:35 p.m. – Parent pick-up begins

Bus riders

Please be sure to review the Ride with Pride and Code of Conduct documents with your children before the first day of school. An electronic copy is at the end of this letter.

Student drop-off and pick-up

After the buses depart, Parent Pick Up will begin. If you are early for Drop Off or Parent Pick Up, please park along the road to Wiles Park. For Parent Drop Off and Pick Up, please remain in your car and a staff member will guide traffic through the bus loop to the main entry. A staff member will greet you at both times. If you pick up your child on foot, please report to the Main Entry.


Pre-K and K students – will receive iPads that will remain in the classroom

Students in Grades 1-6  – will receive a Chromebook that can go to and from school

Caregivers and students (Gr 1 and above) will be asked to sign a Technology User Agreement.

Parent Communications

Please be sure to have an updated cell phone number and email address to receive information via our ParentSquare messaging system. Also, remember to visit our website and social media platforms regularly for current news and upcoming events.

Student information forms

Please update and return any student information forms that have been sent home.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel to reach me in the Main Office at 518-993-4000 or via email at

We hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and look forward to seeing you on September 4th!

Mrs. Bartholomew, Acting Principal

Harry Hoag Elementary School

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2024 – 25 pre-K welcome letter

A welcome-back message for Harry Hoag Elementary School pre-kindergarten families from Acting Principal Amy Bartholomew:

Welcome Families!

Harry Hoag is very excited to welcome your children as members of our pre-kindergarten program!

I would like to take this time to introduce myself as Harry Hoag’s new Acting Principal for this coming school year. Some of you already know me, as I have been a teacher in our district for 18 years, as well as being born and raised in Fort Plain as a Hilltopper myself!

This is my 23rd year in education and I am unbelievably excited to step into this new role and get to know all of our new and returning students. Fort Plain is a community unlike any other, filled with caring families and an exceptionally talented faculty and staff that provide incredible experiences for students each day.

Our Pre-kindergarten program is truly special, and aims to support the students to develop school readiness skills. Your child will be in an environment that is supportive, nurturing and rich in hands-on learning experiences.

The first day of school for the Pre-kindergarten program is Thursday, September 5.  We will host a Pre-kindergarten Visitation Day on Wednesday, September 4. The visitation is meant to be a casual experience and typically lasts about 15 minutes. During the visitation, students can drop off their school supplies, view the classroom and meet the teacher.

Students with last names beginning with the letters A-K are invited to visit anytime between 9-9:30 a.m. Students with last names beginning with the letters L-Z are invited to visit anytime from 9:30-10 a.m.

View and download a copy of the 2024-25 Pre-Kindergarten Handbook.

Preparing your child for a successful start to school

  • Please be sure to establish a reasonable bedtime routine the last week of August.
  • Talk to your child about what to expect in order to support them with the separation.
  • Develop a routine to check for notes, papers and communications daily.

School schedule

7:30-7:40 a.m — Bus rider drop-off .

7:30-7:50 a.m. — Parent drop-off and walkers are welcome.

7:50 a.m. -2:30 p.m. — Instructional day.

2:30 p.m. — Bus  rider dismissal.

2:35 p.m. — Dismissal for student with parent pick-up.

For morning arrival, you are welcome to park in the parking lot to walk your child into the building. You are also able to drive through the parent drop-off line to drop your child off. To drop off and pick up, please remain in your car. A staff member will be out in the parking lot to guide traffic and to let your child know when it is safe to cross. If you are early for drop-off or pick-up, please park along the road to Wiles Park. If you pick up your child on foot, please also report to the Main Entry.

Transportation to and from school will be provided by the school bus for any students who are 4 years of age. If your child begins the school year as a 3-year-old, he/she must be transported by an adult until he/she comes of age to be eligible to ride the bus per NYS Law.

Supply List

Please label clothes, blanket and backpack with your child’s name.

  • Backpack large enough to hold a folder
  • Blanket for naptime
  • Labeled baggie with 2 sets of clothes (it can be helpful to have one set for warm weather and one set for colder weather)
  • Optional items to donate to the classroom: tissues, paper towels, glue sticks, dry-erase markers

I look forward to meeting our youngest learners soon. They will have the best time with the most loving teachers!

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Mrs. Bartholomew, Acting Principal

Harry Hoag Elementary

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Feasibility Study advisory committee appointed, focus group signup

Dear Community Members,

On July 30, 2024, both the Canajoharie and Fort Plain Boards of Education appointed select applicants to the Advisory Committee for the Feasibility Study.

The following people were appointed:

  • Donald Bramer
  • Lauri Broady
  • Jed Brown
  • Jamie Bunker
  • Tracey Conover
  • Jessica Hecht
  • Lindsey Hodge
  • Todd Jones
  • Sara McDuffee
  • Michele Nare
  • Laura Pamkowski
  • Nadine Paul
  • Karlene Peck
  • Kyra Powylan
  • Patricia Prime
  • Samantha Sherwood
  • Lori Shults
  • Dale Smith
  • Neal VanSlyke
  • Edward Watt

The charge for all committee members is to:

  • fully commit to, and actively support, the study process.
  • remain open to learning throughout the process.
  • share relevant perspectives and experiences.
  • clarify and probe data, information and insights shared by consultants.
  • communicate openly, factually, and continuously with the public.

The committee will meet on the following dates (meetings are open to the public):

Aug. 21, 2024 – 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Meeting at Fort Plain CSD, Harry Hoag Elementary School Library Media Center.
Sept. 12, 2024 – 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. – Virtual (onsite connection for participants at both the Canajoharie and Fort Plain districts.)
Oct. 17, 2024 – 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.  – Virtual (onsite connection for participants at both the Canajoharie and Fort Plain districts.)
Nov. 14, 2024 – 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.  – Virtual (onsite connection for participants at both the Canajoharie and Fort Plain districts.)
Dec. 12, 2024 – 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.  Meeting at Canajoharie CSD.

Focus group discussions to be held this October

In addition, the focus group discussions related to the Feasibility Study have been rescheduled for October 30, 2024. Focus groups scheduled for this summer were not held due to a low applicant response.

Please apply with the following link if you would like to be considered for participation with a focus group.  If you applied previously, please apply again and select a new time and location.

Thank you in advance to the volunteers listed above for their willingness to represent the community’s perspectives, ideas and questions.

As always, please reach out with any questions.


Lauren H. Crisman, Superintendent

Board of Education Meeting – August 21

The Fort Plain Board of Education will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024 beginning at 6 p.m.

A joint meeting of the Canajoharie CSD and Fort Plain CSD boards of education with a presentation about the Merger Feasibility Study will be held prior to the Fort Plain CSD board meeting.

The meeting will take place in the Harry Hoag Elementary School Gymnasium, 25 High Street, Fort Plain, N.Y.

View the FPCSD Board of Education – Aug. 21, 2024 meeting agenda.

Award honors our talented and hard-working student-athletes

Our high school student-athletes are all-around strong and talented: in the classroom and on the field, track and court.

We are honored to have our students’ accomplishments recognized with a “School of Excellence” distinction for the 2023-24 school year by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association Inc. (NYSPHSAA).

The NYSPHSAA School of Distinction and School of Excellence Awards are designed to unite athletic departments in challenging their student-athletes to achieve a statewide academic honor. Learn more about this year’s award and recipients.

Looking toward the 2024-25 school year: a message from Superintendent Lauren Crisman

Dear Fort Plain School Community,

I hope this letter finds you refreshed from summer vacation and ready to enjoy an exciting year of learning. We are eagerly awaiting the return of our students! 

2024-25 back-to-school information

The first day of school for students kindergarten through Grade 12 is on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024.  Pre-kindergarten begins on Thursday, Sept. 5

The doors will open in both school buildings at 7:30 a.m. The instructional day begins at 7:50 a.m. for Harry Hoag Elementary School and at 7:55 a.m. for the Jr./Sr. High School. 

FPCSD proudly welcomes several new faculty and staff members to our school team; be sure to watch the district website for introductions.

Fostering success for all students

Our goal is to prepare every student for success beyond graduation. Our graduates should be able to define what success means to them and feel confident when they leave that they are ready to navigate the dynamic and ever-changing world. 

We believe that every child has their own distinct strengths, interests and learning styles. We are dedicated to creating a school experience that honors their individuality. 

Improving learning outcomes for all students is one of our district’s enduring goals. Strong school-based intervention systems play a key role in achieving this. Intervention is not a one-time fix but an ongoing process and should be accessible for all.  

Throughout the year, the administrative team will regularly assess our current intervention systems to analyze when and what screening tools are used to monitor achievement, what evidence-based practices are used to respond to needs, and how academic progress is reviewed and communicated.

Feasibility Study update

Additionally, the district remains committed to ensuring the responsible use of its fiscal and human resources. The Feasibility Study we are now engaged in with the Canajoharie CSD will include a comprehensive review of how fiscal and human resources are allocated. The results of this analysis will help us chart the best path forward to ensure our students 

receive a high quality education and a diverse continuum of other student experiences into the future.

Learn more about the Canajoharie and Fort Plain CSD Feasibility Study to explore a potential merger.

Capital Improvement Project addresses needed work and upgrades

On Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024 community members will be asked to vote on a Capital Improvement Project. Regardless of the outcome of the Feasibility Study, the district must move forward with efforts to keep our facilities safe and modern. These buildings serve not only school-based programs, but are utilized year-round by many community-based organizations for the enrichment activities they offer youth.

The proposed scope of work includes upgrading electronic systems to promote efficiency and decrease annual costs associated with energy use. It also addresses areas in need of repair or replacement in all of the facilities and on the exterior sites of the campus. 

This revised project was prepared in an effort to maximize state aid reimbursement and will not have any impact on the local tax levy.

A public hearing for the proposed project will be held on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024 in the District Office Conference Room.

There will also be a community walk-through on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. This will be open to the public and offered by representatives from King + King Architects.

All who are interested in learning more about the proposed project are encouraged to join us at these events. Information regarding both will be posted on the district website in September.

I am excited about the many possibilities that the new school year holds and eager to see our hallways filled with students once again.

Thank you to all for your ongoing support and partnership!

Wishing you well,

Lauren H. Crisman, Superintendent 

Welcome Amy Bartholomew, Acting Principal of Harry Hoag

Harry Hoag Elementary School Acting Principal, Amy Bartholomew, who has long dark blond hair and is wearing a white top and blazer, looks at and smiles for the camera.
Harry Hoag Elementary School’s Acting Principal for 2024-25, Amy Bartholomew

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Fort Plain Board of Education voted to appoint Amy Bartholomew to the position of Acting Principal of Harry Hoag Elementary for the 2024-25 school year.

A longtime teacher at Harry Hoag Elementary, graduate of Fort Plain schools and life-long resident of the community, Amy Bartholomew has a strong commitment to Fort Plain.

“Amy’s breadth of experience and commitment to ensuring that every learner thrives is sure to benefit the students and families in the Harry Hoag community,” said Superintendent Lauren Crisman. “We are pleased to welcome Amy into this new role and to offer this opportunity for her to learn with us and grow as a leader through this principalship.”

About Amy Bartholomew

Amy Bartholomew has taught for more than 22 years, 18 of which have been spent at Fort Plain’s Harry Hoag Elementary. She has taught students pre-K through grade 6, as well as those in special education.

This school year, Bartholomew and her sixth graders launched the “Our Words Matter” project at Harry Hoag Elementary. Students approached Bartholomew with the idea of learning to become strong advocates for their peers, particularly those who may be underrepresented or experiencing hurtful treatment from others. Together, the group worked toward being agents for positive change in the school.

Bartholomew has also lent her support and guidance as a mentor of new teachers for the past 12 years.

Bartholomew holds an undergraduate degree in Elementary and Special Education from Syracuse University and a master’s degree in Reading from the University of Albany. She currently holds an internship certificate, which allows her to function in the capacity of school building leader through the end of the 2024-25 year.  Bartholomew is working toward a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Leadership from Binghamton University, which she will complete this December.

“When I began my transition into administration, my goal and dream was to one day become the principal at Harry Hoag Elementary School,” said Bartholomew. “I am sincerely honored by the opportunity to step into this role and serve the school community as we work together toward our shared goal of creating a safe, welcoming and enriching environment where all of our learners can shine.”


Draft district-wide safety plan available for review

As required by New York State Education Law, Fort Plain CSD maintains a district-wide safety plan.The plan is designed to prevent or minimize the effects of emergencies and violent incidents. It also helps facilitate the coordination of schools and school districts with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies.

The draft of the district-wide safety plan for the 2024-25 school year is available for review here. The Fort Plain Board of Education will consider this as part of its regular meeting on Aug. 21, 2024.

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