Food Services
On this page you will find helpful information about Fort Plain Central School District’s Food Services. This includes:
- Monthly menus
- Home income disclosure forms
- Point of Sale system
- Meal modification/accommodations
- Healthy snack suggestions—Child Nutrition Advisory Committee recommendations
2024-2025 School Year Menus
march 2025
Jr./Sr. High School
april 2025
Jr./Sr. High School
Home income disclosure form
Point of Sale system
Each student may have an account that may be used to purchase food items. Parents should note the following:
- Money in the account may be used to purchase snacks.
- You may add money to your child’s account at any time.
- You may limit the amount your child spends on snacks per day but, you cannot make this amount different for different days of the week.
- This account cannot be used to buy vending machine items.
- Your child cannot charge snacks.
- If you have any questions about this system, call 993-4000 ext.1003.
- You may put money on your child’s account online via debit or credit card –
Meal modifications/accommodations
No special meal accommodations will be made for students unless they have a documented medical need.
Fort Plain Central School Nutrition Services will:
- Make meal modifications (substitutions) prescribed by a recognized medical authority (RMA)
to accommodate a dietary disability based on a medical statement completed and signed by a
licensed RMA. - Make modifications (substitutions) for students as called for in their Section 504 or an IEP plans
with a medical statement completed and signed by a licensed RMA.
Fort Plain Central School Nutrition Services will not:
- Make meal modifications (substitutions) without a completed and signed Medical Statement
documenting a medical need. - Make substitutions for fluid cow’s milk or other meal components for other reasons outside of
a documented medical need.
If your student’s special dietary need does not fall under a documented medical need, please contact Nutrition Services at 518-993-4000 for the ingredient information available for all menu items and for assistance selecting items from the regular school menu to meet your child’s needs.
Please note: While this ingredient list is accurate to the best of our knowledge, this document is for informational purposes only and is based on information that the manufacturers provide to the District. All items and allergens are subject to change without notice and the District makes no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.
Download the form to request meal modifications. Completed meal modification requests should be submitted to your student’s school RN or Nutrition Services at 25 High St, Fort Plain, N.Y., 13339 or A meeting to discuss these requests will be set up as needed.
If you are unable to access this document or the information it contains, please contact our District Communications Office.
Snacks—Child Nutrition Advisory Committee recommendations
To Parents and Guardians:
The Fort Plain Central School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being and the ability to learn by fostering healthy eating and physical activity. The district has established a wellness committee, which has developed a local wellness policy. A copy of this policy is available in the District office or on this website. View Fort Plain CSD’s Wellness Policy.
In accordance with this policy, we are asking teachers and parents to work toward providing healthier snacks and treats. Below you will find a list of suggested snacks that could take the place of “traditional” snacks such as cupcakes, candy, and cookies, snacks which have little nutritional value and high fat and/or sugar content. Please make every effort to choose items from this list when sending refreshments for your child’s class. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may contain nuts. Your child’s teacher is aware of students with nut or other allergies.
In addition, you will find that our cafeteria meals and snacks have been modified to meet guidelines for healthier eating. As always, feel free to contact building principals with your questions or concerns. Thank You.
Child Nutrition Advisory Committee
Healthy snack suggestions
Items marked with an asterisk (*) may contain nuts.
- Fresh fruit
- Mini-bagels or muffins
- Fruit cups
- Graham crackers
- Applesauce
- Cheese Nips or Goldfish Crackers
- Raisins
- Bread/rolls with butter, peanut butter, or jelly*
- Dried fruit
- Pretzels or popcorn
- Fresh vegetables
- Rice cakes
- Whole grain and fruit bars*
- Animal crackers
- Trail mix without candy*
- Baked chips
- Granola bars*
- Cheese and crackers
- Yogurt/Go-gurt
- String cheese
- Fat-free pudding
- Cheese slices
More Information
Lauri Broady, School Nutrition Director
518-993-4000 ext. 1003