Responsibilities for Learning
Fort Plain Learning Expectations for in-person and remote learning have been designed to give students and families a clear vision for academic success.
Fort Plain students will be using Google Classroom as a consistent format to promote engagement and minimize confusion across all content areas.
It is important that students and families understand their responsibility and take ownership for their learning by engaging with academic routines on a daily basis. The expectations listed below expand on the expectations that are outlined in the Fort Plain Code of Conduct and the Attendance Policy.
Remote Learning Expectations:
- Create a quiet space to work at home.
- Follow your daily class schedule.
- Arrive on time to Google Meets.
- Camera should be set to “ON” and student should be in camera view.
- Microphone should be set to “mute” unless otherwise directed by faculty.
- Stay on topic (no side conversations).
- Type your questions in the chat box.
- Complete all assignments on time.
- Participate and be attentive.
- Practice appropriate online etiquette.
- Wear appropriate attire (Dress Code still applies).
- Exit Google Meets when dismissed.
- Do not hesitate to reach out to school staff for help to:
- Teachers, Counselors, Principal, etc.
- Charge your school device nightly.
- Please adhere to the Code of Conduct for the 2020-2021 school year.
In-person Learning Expectations:
- Mask should be worn properly by covering the mouth and nose at all times when social distancing is not possible or when otherwise directed by your teachers.
- Be on time and prepared for in person instruction.
- Bring a fully charged school device everyday.
- Please adhere to the Code of Conduct for the 2020-2021 school year.
Attendance for the Hybrid Model:
- During this time of heightened awareness for wellness, we encourage families to keep children home if they are ill.
- Students with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be allowed to attend in -person learning.
- In order for students to be successful, it is important that they attend their classes whether in-person or remote following their hybrid schedule.
- NYSED mandates attendance to be taken daily whether in-person or remote. For remote learning days, teachers will take attendance via Google Meet. During in-person learning days, attendance will be taken as normal.
- If a student is sick or unable to attend their remote learning classes, an excuse or doctor’s note should be sent to the school just as you would for an absence during in-person learning.
Please adhere to Board of Education approved Attendance Policy for the 2020-2021 school year.