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Voters approve 2024-25 Fort Plain school budget, elect three to school board

Fort Plain Central School District residents voted on May 21, 2024 to approve a $23,844,000 budget for the 2024-25 school year by a vote of 239 to 65.


Voters also approved a referendum by a vote of 225 to 79 authorizing the district to purchase three school buses at a maximum cost of $450,000. These funds will be drawn from the Bus Purchase/Capital Reserve Fund. The purchase will have no impact on the tax levy.

A referendum to allow the Fort Plain Library to increase its annual taxpayer supported appropriation from $85,000 to $100,000 was also approved by a vote of 229 to 77. The library appropriation is separate and apart from the Fort Plain Central School District annual budget. These monies are raised annually along with other taxes on taxable property within the district and paid over by the Fort Plain municipality to the library’s trustees.

Board of Education election

Additionally, voters elected three individuals to fill vacancies on the Board of Education. The elected candidates are Sara McDuffee (247 votes), Neal VanSlyke (201 votes) and Joshua Parkinson (158 votes).

Sara McDuffee and Neal VanSlyke will serve three-year terms beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2027.  Joshua Parkinson will serve a one-year and six-week term beginning May 21, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 (which fills a vacancy created by a board member’s resignation.)

2024-25 School Budget Vote and Board of Education Election – May 21

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 is the date of the 2024-25 School Budget Vote and Board of Education Election.

Voting will take place in the Harry Hoag Elementary School Library from 11 a.m to 8 p.m.

Please mark your calendars and be sure to vote!

Proposed 2024-25 School Budget – at a glance

Proposed Budget: $23,844,000

Increase from 2023-24 budget: $524,000 / 2.25%

Tax Levy Increase: $84,934 / 1.43%

Learn more about the proposed 2024-25 school budget.

Voter information

To be eligible to vote, residents must live in the school district for at least 30 days prior to the May 21, 2024 election, be at least 18 years of age and be a citizen of the United States.

Learn about early voting, absentee ballots and voter registration.

What’s on the ballot?

In addition to the proposed 2024-25 budget, the community will vote on the following:


Proposition 2: Bus Purchase

Residents will be asked to consider the purchase of three buses for approximately $450,000. This will be paid for from Bus Purchase and Capital Reserve funds and will have no impact on the 2024-25 tax levy.

Proposition 3: Fort Plain Free Library Appropriation

Residents will be asked to allow the Fort Plain Free Library to increase its annual taxpayer supported appropriation from $85,000 to $100,000. The library appropriation is separate and apart from the Fort Plain Central School District annual budget. These monies are raised annually along with other taxes on taxable property within the district and paid over by the Fort Plain municipality to the trustees of the library

Board of Education Election

Residents will vote to elect three members to the Fort Plain Board of Education to serve two three-year terms beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2027 and one one-year and six-week term beginning May 21, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 (to fill a vacancy created by a board member’s resignation.)

The candidates in the order they will appear on the ballot are:

  • Neal Van Slyke
  • Sara McDuffee
  • Janel Hearn*
  • Jamie Bunker
  • Joshua Parkinson

* Please note that Janel Hearn has sent notice to the District Clerk withdrawing her name as a candidate for 2024 Board of Education election due to personal circumstances.

Learn more about the candidates for the Board of Education.

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